Give me books, fruit, French wine and fine weather and a little music out of doors, played by someone I do not know

Monday, September 10, 2012

I am...

"Now and then you realize that all of them are constantly making a fool of you. But, you get used to it after a while." 

I paraphrased old friend of mine. She got married at her best age - the age you could conquer the whole world; got pregnant twice and now, her husband is cheating on her. She's OK with that. She told me few things 'every woman should know'. ( sounds like a headline from those chick magazines where they thought you how to behave in your unhappily marriage, what to wear or drink in front of your future husband, whether fart or not!)

"They are all the same. And, I can tell you 90 per cent of women are also the same. Every one of us was standing in front of the mirror and slapping herself in the face."

 I used to slap myself on the face now and then. It doesn't help. It doesn't even help when someone else does it. I turn Billie Holiday instead and feel sorry for myself.

We all did that right? I'll never forget what professor of mine told us girls once in high school:" You are perfect. He doesn't need to know you aren't. You will always have a smile on your face and behind the first corner cry as much as you can. In their eyes you will always be happy, beautiful, satisfied, successful. A lady." She is divorced.

Sounds like a Marilyn Monroe advice, but is this true? Can we show a little bit(much) of our emotions to men? I showed a little too much.


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